About the navigation of my robot... [closed]
Hello I am new to ROS.I am using hector_slam for my robot in gazebo.I made a urdf file of my robot and spawned it into gazebo worls.I am using hector_mapping to produce the map in rviz by adding worlds in my gazebo.Now how can I navigate it using rviz. Please help me !..
Do you already have a teleop node?
Have you read the tutorials?
yeah @fvd I have already read the tutorials and I am fine with that.I am able to do the mapping also using hector_mapping.Map is coming.after that i gave that map to rviz.Now when I gave a goal in rviz it is not moving in rviz.It is moving in gazebo also but not moving in rviz.What should i do now? I had followed enough tutorials on it but not able to find a solution for it .
Are you displaying the right things in rviz? I don't know if by "it" you mean the robot or the map. "What should I do now?" is hard to answer without knowing what you want to do, and without knowing the details and errors you see. Consider reading this and improving your question to get better responses.
@fvd I am able to do mapping and navigation of my robot. Thank you
Great, I'll close this then