How can I change MoveIt! Commander rate?

asked 2019-03-14 08:42:11 -0600

takijo gravatar image


I try MoveIt! tutorial for kinetic(

I try to move panda robot by the MoveIt! Commander and get /joint states in 100hz.(I have set /joint_states publisher to 100Hz)

roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch

rosrun moveit_commander

use panda arm


rec c

goal = c
goal[0] = 0.2
go goal


rostopic echo /joint_states publisher

I can get the /joint states in 100Hz, but I cannot execute MoveIt! Commander in only 10Hz.(each 10 joint_states were same data)

So , how can I change MoveIt! Commander rate to 100Hz.


(I use ubuntu16.04 and kinetic)

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