Writing tf baselink -> laser with laser point data
I have been following the tf tutorial on the ROS wiki page and have managed to complete both the broadcaster and listener and have it output the sample data.
I am now in the process of changing the code for my current robot I have built, so far i have edited the broadcaster and changed all of the rotations and distances for the position of my Lidar on the robot.
Im now stuck on editing the listener script. during the demo it just creates a laser point x y z and uses that however, i would like to use the data from my Lidar and am unsure of how to do so.
My Lidar currently publishes to the /scan topic laserscan data showing a header and an array of points. How do i go about adding all of these points to the demo listener script shown in the tutorial?
I'm got about a years experience with ROS, therefore if you could help me in as basic terms as possible it would be much appreciated.
Thanks Charliew135
tf tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutori...
What are you trying to do with this laser scan data? Without knowing that we can't really help you too much.
I was just following the navigation stack guide and the first thing to complete was the transforms. Therefore I started the tf tutorial and noticed they make up fake laser data for the purpose of the demo, so i am trying to replace this with my real laser data.
My understanding was that for every laser scan a transform is conducted using the real laser data?