How can I get pwm navdata
I just starting working with the tum_simulator, ardrone_autonomy and tum_ardrone packages. I am using the simulation in tum_simulator and not an actual drone. I first ran the launch file
roslaunch cvg_sim_gazebo ardrone_testworld.launch
However, when I run
rostopic echo /ardrone/navdata magx, magy, magz, pressure, temp, wind_speed, wind_angle, wind_comp_angle, motor1, motor2, motor3, motor4, tags_count are all equal to 0 and not changing.
I mostly want to obtain the motor1,2,3,4 value.
I tried adding
to the .launch file but still could not obtain the pressure value.
I also ran
rosrun ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver enable_navdata_pwm:= True then it got stuck in Getting AR.Drone version ...