flexbe wont show source code
Hi All,
When I try to use the flexbe_app to show source code of a state in Statemachine Editor, I get the following error
I've followed this tutorial http://philserver.bplaced.net/fbe/dow... and also installed ros-bridge and ran rosdep.
I run things with roslaunch flexbe_app flexbe_full.launch
I can run the first tutorial, so things seem okay enough.
I think I've located the line of the error in ui_panels_stateproperties.js, l:677, and I think it might be either
(1) a problem of trying to locate the default editor (?), but flexbe_app does open gedit when I ask to edit code from the main window,
(2) a path problem where my states are not really created properly as files or something is not being initialized(??)
Unfortunately I never used js, so I don't know what else to look for.
Thanks very much for the help!
Edit: I've rebuilt and sourced the workspace without generic_flexbe_states and the error seems to be the same. I can still see the different generic states when I try to "Add State", so I think maybe I am not loading them (?)
Could you please attach your images directly to the question? I've given you sufficient karma for that.
Oh, thanks! Done.