Best practice for running multiple robots in a class
Next semester I will have a bigger class and will have one robot for every two students. At this moment we have just one Roscore running. What is the best practice for keeping the topics straight in a scenario like that? It seems natural that we will name space our various key topics with the robots name (e.g. robot1/cmd_vel). But how do I configure each robot for minimal hassle so when it comes up all the name spacing is done as we would like? It would seem that we'd do it with environment variables somehow. I am sure many others have worked this out and I am looking for advice. Thanks.
Edit: Having a bunch of roscores is ok. We've gotten a static IP for our roscore. Having each student pair run one and entering their dynamic IPs technically works but practically there are lots of room for typos and other carelessness. I was hoping to be able to put on each robot setenv ROBOTNAME="Joseph" and have that (somehow) automatically namespace all (some) of the key topics. Any experience with that?