ros with raspberry pi and pc
I'm using ros listener and talker, if I run ros talker on the raspberry pi I can see it on the listener on the pc but if I run ros talker on the pc I can not listener on the raspberry pi, I dont get any errors is just does not display "hear ...."
what am I missing?
cam you get us more detail about how to connect pi to pc and how to run your program
sure, I follow this tutorial. I had also tried to run roscore on the pi and as a master but still can only talk on the pi and listen on the pc but no the other way, but if I run talker and listener on the pi it works.
after runnig talker on pc and listener on pi , run rqt_graph and check two node connect correctly
I did, and I can see them connected weather I run talker on the pc or the pi
after runnig talker on pc try "rostopic echo < topic name > " on pc and see the out put (roscore run on pi)
I run talker on the pc and at the same time I run rostopic echo /chatter on the pi and on the pc but I can only see responding on PC