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How does mapping work on Android (ROSjava)?

asked 2018-09-23 10:10:26 -0500

vvyogi gravatar image

updated 2018-09-23 10:11:04 -0500

Hello everyone,

I came across these sample applications for android : android_apps

There are three applications : make_a_map, map_manager, map_nav

I looked into the source code for make_a_map and could not comprehend if it is using mapping somewhere. I can see the following imports


then I see the nodemain being initialized and executed map_view initialized


map_view executed

Even if mapping is involved, it must be visual map, how is it being converted to occupancy grid (I saw one snapshot in the issues section on github repo!)?

My Question: 1. Does the app make_a_map do mapping on Android phone (standalone)? 2. In case mapping does happen on android phone what algorithm is used to map image to occupancy grid?

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-09-24 09:49:08 -0500

jubeira gravatar image

updated 2018-09-27 09:31:21 -0500

VisualizationView is a component inside android_core, namely a ROSJava node that does what you say.

You can take a look at its code here: .

You can also take a look around all the visualization components in the same repository; it's all open source.

Hope it helps!

Edit / update: The VisualizationView is made up of different layers, which draw things one on top of the other if I'm not mistaken. In particular, the view should have an OccupancyGridLayer. This type of layer subscribes to an OccupancyGrid topic type, and updates the values according to the information received (here's the callback hook when a new message arrives: ). From that point, you can see how the layer populates the view according to the values in the occupancy grid (I'm not super familiar with the details).

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Hi jubeira, Thanks for answering. I want to know if there is any active development going on with rosjava ? Of the three developers listed on github, you are the only one active. Please provide some information about the future of ROSjava.

vvyogi gravatar image vvyogi  ( 2018-09-24 10:54:20 -0500 )edit

Hi @vvyogi. I'm currently doing maintenance of the codebase on best-effort basis when I have spare time, trying to review PRs from the community and submitting some more.

If your question is whether it still supported, the answer is yes.

jubeira gravatar image jubeira  ( 2018-09-24 11:24:55 -0500 )edit

Thank you for the response. It cleared some of my doubts.

vvyogi gravatar image vvyogi  ( 2018-09-27 08:21:59 -0500 )edit

yw! Please feel free to mark the answer as accepted so others can make use of it as well :) Let me know if you need further clarifications about the original question, or open another one if needed.

jubeira gravatar image jubeira  ( 2018-09-27 08:25:20 -0500 )edit

Hi Jubeira, If it is possible please do add more information to your answer regarding the mapping technique used. Meanwhile, I am trying to read the code you pointed at. It seems there is lot of interesting stuff in the roscore. If documentation were better it would benefit a larger audience. Thanks

vvyogi gravatar image vvyogi  ( 2018-09-27 08:52:05 -0500 )edit

I just updated the question a bit.

jubeira gravatar image jubeira  ( 2018-09-27 09:31:31 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-09-23 10:10:26 -0500

Seen: 582 times

Last updated: Sep 27 '18