Is there a tutorial for creating and Controlling a simple wheeled robot in gazebo and rviz with ROS2
I see there are alot of examples using ROS, but none with ros2. I want to be able to create a simple 4 wheeled robot to tele-op in using gazebo.
Afaik, Gazebo only very recently received ROS2 support (if it is even already finished, see the Roadmap). So I would not be surprised if you can't yet find any tutorials about that.
Is there a simulator currently available that I can use with ros2?
Why do you need to use ROS2 particularly?
@charles.haynes , Did you try this link?
This is only show us how to send a command. There is no such tutorial for ros2 using launch, URDF/SDF, .yaml, how to programming the joint and more.
Most of them are used in ROS1 as an example only. ROS2 and ROS1 are clearly big different. There are some people include myself experienced ROS2 programming only and never touched ROS1 before. I'm with this OP atm. It's Aug 2021 and there is very little tutorials even for older ros2 as well X_x