map conversion to image (hector_compressed_map_transport ((GMAPPING)))
I am trying to use hector_compressed_map_transport for other slam algorithms too.
I know that it uses /pose. I am publishing pose by the help of in the required msgType. But map never shows up (window freezes).
Any help please.?
I am using kinetic and trying to view the map by rosrun image_view image_view image:=/map_image/full _image_transport:=compressed (It work perfect for hector slam).
rostopic list:
Just to check is your 'other slam algorithm' also publishing the map on the same topic as well as the pose? Can you show us the output of
rostopic list
as well.I have checked it with hector slam. And yes it is working. Hector publishes pose by default while for gmapping i am using pose_publisher. However, one difference i have found is that hector also have a topic /poseupdate in addition. C result of rostopic list in question.
@PeteBlackerThe3rd No it is not working. I gues i posted the wrong topic list there. I have updated it.
Hey @RoboRos Have you solved this problem ? if so please write to me at