Gazebo : Detecting collision with a static object using contact sensor pugin
DISCLAIMER: I know this is a gazebo question and not ROS only question. I posted on Gazebosim forum but no luck, so I am posting here.
I have a staic object in a gazebo world. This static object has camera, depth and contact sensors attached to it. I will refer to this object as "sensor_agent".
When this sensor_agent collides with other non-static objects, the contact sensor outputs contact states but however I have a whole bunch of models in my world like building and trees which are static objects (<static> true </static>). When the sensor_agent collides with these static objects the, the contact states is empty.
Here is sdf file of one of those static models.
Is there any way I can detect collision with these static objects using contact sensor ?
If not, is there any other way I can detect collision with these objects ?
I am using ROS kinetic 1.12.13 and gazebo 7.13.0.