What kinds of robot platforms are most appropriate for ROS?
I am looking at building a new robot for my course and looking at the platforms available I have a question. I think I have learned that the various ROS navigation packages that are most popular, supported, mature, use a tricycle, two driven wheels and one 'caster like' wheel.
update: As we are pursuing our projects we are exploring ROS packages from many sources. At this point we are preferring ones that are well discussed and seem to be well supported. As we get more adventurous we will go further. Our requirements are still evolving but for now we are going to want to navigate with an existing map, create new maps, integrate fiducials, and interior navigation on any surface that is ADA (== wheelchair) compliant.
ROS (and it's many packages) is very sophisticated and requires tuning, trouble shooting, and experimentation. My impressions (right or wrong) is that a very common configuration is a differential drive 2 wheel + passive caster(s) because many of the examples and papers I read use those. So my question is, given that we are still working up the learning curve, what kind of steering should we avoid because they will be nothing but headaches?
No, I wouldn't.
It would perhaps help if you clarify what you mean with "ROS" (ie: which pkgs) and with "works less well" (what doesn't work (so well)?).
Check update!