ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!
Hello. I'm Korean student. So i cannot speak English very well. Thank you for your consideration.
I am setting Turtlebot on my netbook and my notebook (Network Connection)
My netbook is TurtleBot laptop. My notebook is Workstation.
I am able to ping each other. One is and another is
and i can see "echo $ROS_MASTER_URI" and "echo $ROS_HOSTNAME". "turtlebot start/running, process 16951" also.
but when i enter the command "rostopic list", i see "ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!"
I don't know why.. because when i set "Network Setup" first time, there work correctly.. but after the reboot, i cannot do anything..
Please help me ~.~
could you post the output of "echo $ROS_MASTER_URI" and "echo $ROS_HOSTNAME"? Many times when I get this error, it's because of settings error
my notebook.. ROS_MASTER_URI == and ROS_HOSTNAME == and my netbook.. ROS_MASTER_URI == and ROS_HOSTNAME ==
IP of my notebook is (turtlebot-workspace) IP of my netbook is (turtlebot-robot)
i think "roscore" is right.. but.. i cannot start turtlebot service.. when i enter the command "sudo service turtlebot start", i can see the message "rustlebot start/running, process 3326" and i enter the command "rostopic list", i can see the message only "/rosout" and "/rosout_agg" i don't know..
not sure if it's a typo, but in your comments, your turtlebot-workspace IP does not match the notebook's ROS_HOSTNAME so that could be why it's not working correctly
oh sorry. i was miss typing.. t.t