Remove account
How can I remove my account on this website?
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We're working on an automated way to make this happen through your profile. But for now please use the "give feedback" button at the bottom to contact the site admins.
Slightly off-topic, but with the GDPR being all hot: how are you planning to do this @tfoote? I can't imagine that just blanketly deleting any and all contributions of an account would be desirable. That would completely destroy the site if it was a productive account. There is quite a bit ..
When you delete an account you need to remove all personally identifying information, but content on the site is not part of that. I found a good article at: about anonymizing.
According to some sources it actually depends on the content itself. Some (extreme) interpretations could mean that forum admins would have to scrutinise all posts by a forum member to see if it contains any personally identifiable data, and if so, remove it.
That page is nice though.
Asked: 2018-08-09 09:39:52 -0500
Seen: 898 times
Last updated: Sep 11 '18
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As a moderator, I can suspend your account, but not remove it.
Perhaps one of the administrators can help you.