ROS2 and Rviz : only displays values with a radius < 1 meter around the laser [closed]
I'm using ROS2 bouncy and Rviz, both built from source on Ubuntu 18.04 and I'm trying to display the laser scan on Rviz, but it only shows the value that are on a 1 meter radius around the laser.
Did I miss a parameter in Rviz ? Is it a bug ?
A bit more details : I'm using an Hokuyo ust-20lx, which is supposed to have ~20 meters range, with the urg_node package from link text which is a version for Beta2 (or maybe Ardent, not sure) that I have just slightly modified to make it work on Bouncy. Everything works fine and I've checked the published values which are normals, but rviz only shows values whose range is < 1 meter. I have tried the laser on ROS1 melodic with the urg_node and rviz and it shows the normal values.
Any suggestion ? Should I post an issue on rviz' github ?
It's not an answer, but since I've run into similar problems and have been able to reproduce it using a dummy node, I've submitted it as an issue on the ros2/rviz github page,