Accessing intensity values of points in a pointcloud
I am using the turbo-ros-pkg to publish the coordinates of the selected points of a pointcloud. However, I also wish to access the intensity values. I tried changing the point type to pcl::PointXYZI in the cpp and .h file of the package. But it doesn't work.
Can you expand on what you mean by "it doesn't work"? Not clear what the problem is.
Mere replacement of the point data type from pcl::PointXYZRGB to pcl::PointXYZI does not give the desired output. So, it 'doesn't work'.
On selecting multiple points using the 'Select' tool, I can see the x, y, z values along with Intensity and ring num in the 'Selection' panel. Since the turbo-ros-pkg inherits from 'Select', I believe there could be some way of accessing and publishing the intensity values of the points