Pick-and-Place using Logitech C920 problem
Greeting to the ROS Community!
I'm working on pick and place procedure using UR5 Arm and a Logitech C920.
Detecting simple box-like ojbects, using cv_bridge to Publish an objects pose. (obj_No, x, y, z=0, yaw=object angle)
The questions are:
- How to calibrate a camera to make robot actually "move" towards by the objects pose Published?
I cannot find any proper calibration explanation and tools, regarding an extrinsic calibration, do I have to use a TF + something else and basically setup a camera frame to the world frame and to the robot frame, too?
- Another obvious question, can I make a camera being more robust about any accidential moves, changing a frame at all? Or it has to be absolutely fixed to achieve a precise result?
My appoligises for begginer's vocab:)
Best Regards!