How do you add new frames to the tf tree of a Jackal robot?
I have a Jackal robot that is running ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo installed. I have attached a Hokuyo UTM 30lx laser to the jackal robot so I am trying to modify the jackal.urdf.xacro file to include the hokuyo laser so I can use the laser scans to do gmapping. I have got the system working in simulation, I was able to add the hokuyo laser to the jackal in gazebo and use the scans to do autonomous navigation. When I have copied over the jackal.urdf.xacro file onto the real robot, I am unable to see the hokuyo_base_link and the front_laser (hokuyo laser) link in the tf tree, and thus when I visualize the robot in Rviz I get an error on LaserScan saying: "Transform [sender=unknown_publisher] for frame [front_laser]: frame [front_laser] does not exist." I can attach my jackal.urdf.xacro file if needed. Please could someone help me and explain how I need to modify my files to get the hokuyo laser working on the real robot? Thank you very much.
I think it would be helpful to see your xacro file (and anything else related to generating your tf tree, e.g. if you're publishing any static transforms).