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I think navfn is quite simple in that it only plans for circular robots. Your's seems a bit lengthy and rectangular. This would lead to a circumference that just doesn't fit through the passage.
Asked: 2012-03-13 06:15:12 -0600
Seen: 229 times
Last updated: Mar 13 '12
Navigational Timeout When obstacle is in front
how to get a copy of global costmap from move_base
what is the reasoning behind current architecture of navigation stack (move_base), the way it is?
Unknown cell as a goal in Navigation stack with Gmapping [closed]
I am seeing the same behavior, but I can't post a screenshot. In tight areas, the plan starts right after the tight area instead of starting from the robot. Edit: Increasing cost_scaling_factor from 0.1 to 10 fixed this problem for me.