Subscribe in MATLAB to a ROS node on another PC
I have MATLAB running on a Windows-PC and ROS running on a separate Linux-PC. Both are connected in a network. On the Linux-PC I started ROS with the command "roscore". On the MATLAB-PC I used the commands
master = robotics.ros.Core
node = robotics.ros.Node('/test')
to create a node with the name /test (after specifying the ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP on ROS and MATLAB). I want to declare this node to a subscriber for the /chatter-topic. Messages are published by a talker (Standard node, described in the ROS tutorial). The problem is, that I can't receive messages on the node /test. To specify the publisher, MATLAB advertises the command
sub = robotics.ros.Subscriber(node,'/chatter','std_msgs/String')"
To use this, I have to insert the node name of the talker, which is not know.
My question is, if there is a possibility to receive messages to this topic. If I start a listener in ROS and a publisher in MATLAB, then the message transfer is possible.