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Rviz 2D alternative?

asked 2012-03-08 00:47:00 -0500

jlo gravatar image

updated 2012-03-08 03:05:59 -0500

Hey there, I would like to use a 2D User Interface for ROS, does it exist? As far as I'm concerned, rviz is the only there is (because gazebo/stage are simulators). Why do I want to use something else than rviz? Mainly, because even specifying the topic of the data (position, laser ranging, speed control), it doesn't recognize it. From the troubleshooting page from RVIZ I found out I have to include my data into a tf, something that sounds very complicated and (maybe) unnecessary.

Is there any way out? And if there's not, any tutorials on how to turn my data/topic into a tf?


Update: On a nutshell, what I'm doing is fairly simple: 3 different cases of sending data through topics in ROS (one topic). I have a task_talker and a task_listener (based on the tutorial codes, just modifying the type of messages sent). Task_talker publishes the parameter into the topic and task_listener subscribes to it. The different tasks are as follows (with its parameters):

  1. Position sending using geometry_msgs/Pose2D
  2. Laser ranging sending using sensor_msgs/LaserScan
  3. Speed Control using geometry_msgs/Twist.

I would post the code as well, but it also includes a different OS from ROS that would only further confuse readers.

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3 Answers

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answered 2012-03-09 04:19:54 -0500

Since rviz only shows messages of type PoseStamped, you should convert this Pose2D to PoseStamped or to Odometry (in case you need to show multiple poses)

We have a program to convert from Pose2D to Odometry iri_msg_to_odom pose2d_to_odom. The instructions to download our repository are here: Download IRI ROS stack (you can download only the iri-ros core and then checkout the iri_msg_to_odom package.

the other way is code it by yourself (it's not difficult):)

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So by putting the pose information into PoseStamped from Pose2D (without filling the header or the quaternion of pose), will rviz be able to recognize the input?

jlo gravatar image jlo  ( 2012-05-03 01:51:57 -0500 )edit

I think you should fill these fields, at least frame_id and orientation (for example with .x = .y = .z = 0, .w = 1)

martimorta gravatar image martimorta  ( 2012-05-07 04:23:39 -0500 )edit

answered 2012-03-08 02:06:48 -0500

Mainly, because even specifying the topic of the data (position, laser ranging, speed control), it doesn't recognize it.

Are you using the right messages to pass the data?
You can find the right messages to use here RViz Display Types

From the troubleshooting page from RVIZ I found out I have to include my data into a tf, something that sounds very complicated and (maybe) unnecessary.

You can set the Global frame to the data you want to visualize, for example, if your data are LaserScan messages you should change the global frame to the frame_id of this message (usually /laser)

Is there any way out? And if there's not, any tutorials on how to turn my data/topic into a tf?

You can publish static tf transforms using the tf static transform publisher

For instance if you have a Pose and a LaserScan to be shown you can publish two static transforms one from /base to /pose and the other from /base to /laser and set rviz global frame with /base

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answered 2012-03-08 01:44:43 -0500

dornhege gravatar image

I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve. Maybe there is a misunderstanding what tf is for.

rviz definitely can display laser range data and many other things. For specific other data types you will always need to program some kind of display that shows them in the way you want and if tf is required by ROS it is usually also necessary for the robot.

The only somewhat canonical way of displaying data is by using something like rxplot.

Other than that there is/will be rosgui, but still if you want to display something specific, you will need to include it.

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Asked: 2012-03-08 00:47:00 -0500

Seen: 2,532 times

Last updated: Mar 09 '12