Visualising the skeleton from openni_tracker in rviz
I'm trying to display the skeleton that the openni_tracker detects in rviz. I just installed pi_tracker and ran the skeleton_tracker node that uses it's own program for visualisation, but I know you can track the skeleton in rviz.
The TF display in rviz should be ok, it reports that it successfully found all the /tf-s used for different body parts, but now I don't know how to represent them and visualise them with markers, but I can't find any published topics with the message type that the Marker needs.
First thing I'd like to ask is: do I need another node or something that could publish the topics readable by the Marker? Second: Do I need to use a Marker display type or something else, like MarkerArray instead?
Now I tried again, and this time I can't even get the tf's to work. When I rosrun openni_tracker, it works, but in rviz, there are no fixed frames available. When I roslaunch openni_camera.launch, I can find the /openni_camera frame, but the TF display can't find the tracker's body parts transforms
I don't remember what exactly I did last time that got it working. I bet that when it worked if I had zoomed out as Pi robot says, I would definitely be able to see the /tf's.