How to share ros msg type between service & client

asked 2018-06-06 13:51:11 -0500

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Can I share ros msg type (geometry_msgs/Point) between service & client?


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Can you elaborate a bit more? - You can publish any message type from service and subscribe on the other node - You can define the custom message type in one package and use it from other package.

For the second case, follow this tutorial

vinaykumarhs2020 gravatar image vinaykumarhs2020  ( 2018-06-06 18:15:35 -0500 )edit

And may be use this to add dependency to your second node.

vinaykumarhs2020 gravatar image vinaykumarhs2020  ( 2018-06-06 18:17:21 -0500 )edit