use rosdep still packeges is missing

asked 2018-06-04 03:07:51 -0500

sagarmodh51 gravatar image

i am working on Robotnik RB1

I installed packages like rb1_base _sim(gazebo, world, bringup), rb1_base_common(navigation, localization, control, description, pad and many more ).

while i used rosdep, rosdep install --from-paths /home/robotmania/catkin_ws/src/rb1_base_sim --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic -y it saying that, #All required rosdeps installed successfully even after that i can create workspace successfully through catkin_make.

bus still i am unable to launch any file(even I can't see them while i am launching) of them, except rb1_base_pad

so can anyone tell why this is happening and how can i get all required packages.

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