Still waiting on map...
I am transitioning from simulation using stage and fake_localization to a real robot. I am running the exact same map_server each time on the robot and move_base node with sbpl_lattice_planner off the robot (my laptop). When I run the simulation, move_base receives the map and then everything else (robot footprint, obstacles, local plan, global plan, etc.). But when I remove the stage_ros node and fake_localization, move_base tells me it is "Still waiting on map...". I have tried to copy every possible message I can from simulation to the robot: all the tf's, amcl_pose, odom, particlecloud. There are only two topics I am not sending, clock and base_scan. But in costmap_common_params.yaml I don't request a base_scan (because I am sending a pointCloud instead), and I don't think that would hold up the map. Should I implement my own clock? I set the param use_sim_time to 0, so I didn't think I needed it.