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While loop for Ros Python Rosserial [closed]

asked 2018-03-31 09:47:31 -0500

RosStudent gravatar image

updated 2018-03-31 11:53:07 -0500

What can i do to avoid Ros from losing connection to arduino when using a while loop?

i have tried many methods and nothing worked.

When the program stays long in the turnToNorth position the rosserial connection is lost

Example of snippet code below:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import time
from std_msgs.msg import String
from std_msgs.msg import Int32
from std_msgs.msg import Bool
from sensor_msgs.msg import Range
from marval.msg import l298n as l298n
from marval.msg import lsm303 as lsm303

subMotor = l298n()
subServo = String()
subStart = Bool()
motorData = l298n()
subCompass = lsm303()

motorSpeed = 23
irEdgeDistance = 1.0
usDistance = 0.15
moveAngle = 20.0
intervalTime = 0
startDirection = 0.0

def subStartC(data):
    global subStart 
    subStart = data

def subCompassC(data):
    global subCompass 
    subCompass = data

pubMotor = rospy.Publisher('motor_data', l298n, queue_size=10)

rospy.Subscriber('start_data', Bool, subStartC)
rospy.Subscriber('compass_data', lsm303, subCompassC)

def moveRobot():

def turnToNorth():
    global startDirection
    while (int(subCompass.angle) != int(startDirection) and not rospy.is_shutdown()):
        motorData.enA = motorSpeed
        motorData.enB = motorSpeed
        motorData.in1 = 0
        motorData.in2 = 1
        motorData.in3 = 1
        motorData.in4 = 0

def startRobot():
    #initiate node
    rospy.init_node('moveRobot', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(5) #hz
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if( == True):
            moveRobot()  #starting the robot movement

if __name__ == '__main__':


        except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

Part 2 :(EDIT)

def turnToNorth():
    global startDirection
    while True:
        if(int(subCompass.angle) == int(startDirection)):
               motorData.enA = motorSpeed
               motorData.enB = motorSpeed
               motorData.in1 = 0
               motorData.in2 = 1
               motorData.in3 = 1
               motorData.in4 = 0
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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by RosStudent
close date 2018-04-01 02:20:27.283004


i have tried many methods and nothing worked

What have you tried and what were the results?

jayess gravatar image jayess  ( 2018-03-31 11:10:08 -0500 )edit

When in the loop after some seconds rosserial disconnects from arduino and the program keepa looping and cannot terminate the program.

I also tried while True: and add a break when condition is met but still same issue.

RosStudent gravatar image RosStudent  ( 2018-03-31 11:22:20 -0500 )edit

Can you please update your question with a copy and paste of the code that you've tried and the results?

jayess gravatar image jayess  ( 2018-03-31 11:25:33 -0500 )edit

Pasted snippet of code and same result

RosStudent gravatar image RosStudent  ( 2018-03-31 11:53:20 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2018-03-31 22:09:41 -0500

fergs gravatar image

There may be other issues, but the thing that jumps out to me is this:

In your function "turnToNorth()" you have a publish call in a while() loop, with no sleeps. This is probably running at 10khz+, and overflowing some buffer somewhere (you can't possibly shove that much data down a serial connection). At least put a rospy.rate() or time.sleep() in that loop, so that it runs no more than maybe 25hz to start with.

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I'll will do that as I have other functions similar to the turnToNorth. Furthermore what happens if it stays for around 10sec in a while loop? Should there be an issue?

RosStudent gravatar image RosStudent  ( 2018-03-31 23:58:55 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-04-01 02:19:53 -0500

RosStudent gravatar image

Yes creating the below with each publisher in a while loop fixed the issue.

r = rospy.rate(5)

while True:
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Asked: 2018-03-31 09:47:31 -0500

Seen: 2,871 times

Last updated: Apr 01 '18