Catkin_make looking in wrong directory for header files
I am using ros kinetic ubuntu 16.04 on intel NUC. I put g2ofork in my workspaces src thinking it was a catkin package but I later found out it was not. I moved it outside my WS and attempted to use rgbslam package which requires the g2o libraries. When I catkin_make the workspace it fails because it is still looking in my workspace/src/g2ofork directory. I know this because catkin_make has some warning type messages
- - looking for PCL_COMMON
- - looking for PCL_OCTREE
- - looking for PCL_IO
- - Searching for g2o ...
- - found g2o headers in: /home/astrobotics/ros_code/src/g2ofork
- - found libg2o: /home/astrobotics/ros_code/src/g2ofork/lib/ and so on...
I know right now all the packages and g2o fork are in the correct places because when I use the install script provided by rgbdslam it sets everything up as I have mine now. The only thing is it creates its own workspace and I want to use it in the one I have been using for some time.
Is there any way to like reset the workspace before building it again?