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ROS with optitrack setup

asked 2018-03-13 01:42:58 -0500

oha gravatar image

Hi all, I am using ROS Kinetic on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine and want to obtain data from optitrack motive. I have seen the following posts:

and they helped me understand that I need to use either mocap_optitrack or ros_vrpn_client, but I couldn't understand the most basic question:
What should y computer setup be? Should I be running Ubuntu as a VM inside the windows PC with optitrack motive? or the other way around? or create a local LAN between two separate machines?

In all cases I also have the following misunderstanding: If the Ubuntu machine (or VM) is connected to the drone (I use an ar-drone2) via the drones wifi adapter how can it also be connected to the Windows machine and its network? When starting with ROS I remember everyone saying not to have the ROS machine connected to more than one network at the same time, so how is this supposed to work?

As you can tell I just started looking into this and have no clue what I got myself into. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-03-25 11:15:52 -0500

oha gravatar image

Ok, so I ended up with the following setup that I think will work (for now I am getting data properly, and should be able to send it to the drone).

  • I have an Ubuntu 16.04 machine with ROS Kinetic installed.
  • I have a separate Windows 7 machine with Motive installed.
  • Both machines are connected to a netgear nighthawk that is bridging the wifi provided by the AR.Drone 2 that I am using.

  • My workflow is using PuTTY to remote control my Ubuntu machine while in windows.

  • I used vrpn_client_ros (not to be confused with the outdated ros_vrpn_client) and the instructions on how that worked can be found in my answer to my other question located here:
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Asked: 2018-03-13 01:42:58 -0500

Seen: 1,198 times

Last updated: Mar 25 '18