Error mgs during multi vehicle simulation with launch file

asked 2018-02-23 02:14:49 -0600

Nebula gravatar image

updated 2018-02-24 04:14:12 -0600

I followed the instruction as mentioned here. when I run

roslaunch px4 multi_uav_mavros_sitl.launch

works fine for default programme but when I added code for one more drone (UAV1 iris_3) and run

roslaunch px4 multi_uav_mavros_sitl.launch

I get following error message although I can see UAVs in Gazebo simulator.

[multi_uav_mavros_sitl.launch] is neither a launch file in package [px4] nor is [px4] a launch file name

The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

I am adding launch file doe here is my launch file:-


    <!-- MAVROS posix SITL environment launch script -->

    <arg name="debug" default="false"/>
    <arg name="verbose" default="false"/>
    <arg name="paused" default="false"/>

    <arg name="est" default="ekf2"/>
    <arg name="vehicle" default="iris"/>
    <arg name="world" default="$(find mavlink_sitl_gazebo)/worlds/"/>

    <arg name="headless" default="false"/>
    <arg name="gui" default="true"/>
    <arg name="ns" default="/"/>

    <arg name="pluginlists_yaml" default="$(find mavros)/launch/px4_pluginlists.yaml" />
    <arg name="config_yaml" default="$(find mavros)/launch/px4_config.yaml" />

    <!-- Load world -->
    <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
        <arg name="headless" value="$(arg headless)"/>
        <arg name="gui" value="$(arg gui)"/>
        <arg name="world_name" value="$(arg world)" />
        <arg name="debug" value="$(arg debug)" />
        <arg name="verbose" value="$(arg verbose)" />
        <arg name="paused" value="$(arg paused)" />

    <!-- UAV1 iris_1-->
    <group ns="uav1">
        <arg name="fcu_url" default="udp://:14540@localhost:14557"/>
        <arg name="gcs_url" value=""/>
        <arg name="tgt_system" value="1"/> 
        <arg name="tgt_component" value="1"/>
        <arg name="rcS1" default="$(find px4)/posix-configs/SITL/init/$(arg est)/$(arg vehicle)_1"/>
        <arg name="ID" value="1"/>

        <include file="$(find px4)/launch/single_vehcile_spawn.launch">
            <arg name="x" value="0"/>
            <arg name="y" value="0"/>
            <arg name="z" value="0"/>
            <arg name="R" value="0"/>
            <arg name="P" value="0"/>
            <arg name="Y" value="0"/>
            <arg name="vehicle" value="$(arg vehicle)"/>
            <arg name="rcS" value="$(arg rcS1)"/>
            <arg name="mavlink_udp_port" value="14560"/>
            <arg name="ID" value="$(arg ID)"/>

        <include file="$(find mavros)/launch/node.launch">
            <arg name="pluginlists_yaml" value="$(arg pluginlists_yaml)" />
            <arg name="config_yaml" value="$(arg config_yaml)" />

            <arg name="fcu_url" value="$(arg fcu_url)" />
            <arg name="gcs_url" value="$(arg gcs_url)" />
            <arg name="tgt_system" value="$(arg tgt_system)" />
            <arg name="tgt_component" value="$(arg tgt_component)" />

    <!-- UAV2 iris_2 -->
    <group ns="uav2">
        <arg name="fcu_url" default="udp://:14541@localhost:14559"/>
        <arg name="gcs_url" value=""/>
        <arg name="tgt_system" value="2"/> 
        <arg name="tgt_component" value="1"/>
        <arg name="rcS2" default="$(find px4)/posix-configs/SITL/init/$(arg est)/$(arg vehicle)_2"/>
        <arg name="ID" value="2"/>

        <include file="$(find px4)/launch/single_vehcile_spawn.launch">
            <arg name="x" value="1"/>
            <arg name="y" value="0"/>
            <arg name="z" value="0"/>
            <arg name="R" value="0"/>
            <arg name="P" value="0"/>
            <arg name="Y" value="0"/>
            <arg name="vehicle" value="$(arg vehicle)"/>
            <arg name="rcS" value="$(arg rcS2)"/>
            <arg name="mavlink_udp_port" value="14562"/>
            <arg name="ID" value="$(arg ID)"/>

        <include file="$(find mavros)/launch/node.launch">
            <arg name="pluginlists_yaml" value="$(arg pluginlists_yaml)" />
            <arg name="config_yaml" value="$(arg config_yaml)" />

            <arg name="fcu_url" value="$(arg fcu_url)" />
            <arg name="gcs_url" value="$(arg gcs_url)" />
            <arg name="tgt_system ...
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I see that you tagged this question as both "kinetic" and "ros2". It looks like you are using ROS kinetic that is a ROS 1 distribution. Did you add the "ros2" tag on purpose ?

marguedas gravatar image marguedas  ( 2018-02-24 01:42:10 -0600 )edit

sorry for that I was getting an error on tagging ros1

Nebula gravatar image Nebula  ( 2018-02-24 04:13:04 -0600 )edit

I don't know the reason but If I run that command inside firmware directory It runs successfully and other than that It gives that error

Nebula gravatar image Nebula  ( 2018-02-26 08:31:28 -0600 )edit

You usually get that error because the package is locally built. So for roslaunch to work it needs to find the package. Since px4 is your package roslaunch will work only inside the px4 package not anywhere else.

argos gravatar image argos  ( 2019-11-10 11:15:05 -0600 )edit