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How to visualize trajectory_msgs?

asked 2018-02-11 00:36:18 -0500

SerSav gravatar image

Hello! I write a package for a robot, that has servo-motors. How node (from my package) pulbishes JointState msgs, and i can see the visualization of my robot in rviz. I want to use a ssc32 servo-controller, with which you can set not only the state, but also the speed of single displacement. I find a ros ssc32 driver, and this driver takes JointTrajectory like input messages. Is there a way to display moving model of my robot (real robot not exist yet) in rviz with using JointTrajectory? Maybe I should use gazebo simulator?

Of course, I can write a converter JointTrajectory -> JointState, but there can be a cleaner way?

I use ros-kinetic and ubuntu 16.04.

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answered 2018-02-11 04:13:17 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image
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Asked: 2018-02-11 00:36:18 -0500

Seen: 373 times

Last updated: Feb 11 '18