rviz crash: Duration is out of dual 32-bit range
I have two computers connect via ethernet one is publishing sensor_msgs/LaserScan and the other one views the data using rviz. But rviz crashes (not always) if I try to visualize the laser scan data with the following msg.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Duration is out of dual 32-bit range
On the publisher I am filling the header time by using ros::Time::now(). It doesn't matter which computer runns the roscore.
Quick check: are clocks synchronised between both machines?
I syncronized now both computers running on the one with the roscore an ntp server and on the other an ntp client with the same result. It seams to work more often but still with crashes on some startups
It was just something to check, not necessarily the cause of things.
Recommended tool is
btw (see: Timing issues, TF complaining about extrapolation into the future?.