How do I use tuple datatype in my custom message?
The data I want to publish is in a tuple. Initially i tried using int64 [] field type in my custom message, but that did not work, which makes sense. How do I use tuple field type?
Welcome! Can you please show us what you've tried by updating your question with your code and the data that you're trying to publish? Also, what does
mean? Did you get an error?
I do not have access to the code immediately. The data I am trying to publish is a tuple containing 3 ints and a bytearray. The data is bulk data so it is 256 tuples that I am trying to publish at once. When I used int64 [], it gave a serialization error.
Ok, when you do get access to it please update your question with it along with a copy and paste of the error.
I am not able to copy paste the code here due to the character limit
You can edit your question to do that. Comments are good for providing updates to questions for this reason.
Thanks for the advice. I have done that.