Strange numbers in "Create your own urdf file" URDF's tutorial
Hello! I recently started studying ROS and now I'm considering this tutorial
I don't understand how the axis xyz values (from Completing the Kinematics) was calculated. The follow values are given at first:
<axis xyz="0 1 0" />
for joint2 and
<axis xyz="-0.707 0.707 0" />
for joint1.
But after that in the general .XML file are given:
<axis xyz="-0.707 0.707 0" />
for joint2 and
<axis xyz="-0.9 0.15 0" />
for joint1.
As i know vectors for axis xyz should be normalized, but "-0.9 0.15 0" is not normalized. What are the correct values? Thanks.
I use Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS kinetic.
Just divide each each component by the magnitude. Then, perhaps, you can update the wiki to help others out.
I think it's an error since 0 1 0 is already normalized. It should be 0 1 0 in my opinion.