Tf (only) not passing through distributed system
Hi all,
I have a Raspberry Pi running ROS and controlling a robot (my own code). It can run by itself using keyboard teleop or RC signals.
But, it can also run as part of a distributed system - a PC is running the master roscore, and the robot transmits everything to it through wifi. The PC does all the navigation stuff (amcl, move_base) and sends back the cmd_vel to the robot.
When I run the system, the master PC receives all the topics from the Pi but not the Tfs. When I use rqt_tf_tree or view_frames on the PC, I get a "no Tf data received" message, but when doing so on the Pi (which runs the broadcasting node) then I do see the odom -> base_footprint Tf that it sends.
Needless to say that it breaks the map->odom->base_foorprint->rest_of_robot tree that the system needs in order to function properly. Does anyone have any idea why something like this would happen?
Both computers are fully resolvable, having correct name and IP in the /etc/hosts file.
Many thanks, Steve
Hi, are you using a time synchronisation service between the two computers? I suggest you have a loook at chrony
havent thought of that (i remember having timing troubles in the past). usually you get an rosError about that... ill check today.