Help on psql database connect ubuntu 11.04 psql 8.4 :psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "willow" [closed]
Dear All. I am using ubuntu 11.04 to install psql 8.4 while following the steps on website: I find two problem. The first one is: I use another user, not root, so I try to modify the file. and psql --username postgres works nice and I can also add the user CREATE ROLE willow LOGIN CREATEDB CREATEROLE PASSWORD 'willow'; I also enable tcp/ip connection # Anybody through TCP/IP with password host all all md5
listen_addresses = '*'
Then I restart my computer. Try step 5.1
willow user can connect locally with password
local all willow md5
ps auxw | grep postgresql sudo kill -HUP xxxx
To check that it is working, try logging into psql on localhost as the new user:
psql --username willow --password --dbname postgres
Then I got the following error:
administrator@ubuntu:/etc/postgresql/8.4/main$ psql --username willow --password --dbname postgres Password for user willow:
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "willow"
Do I need to change back the setting for "listen_addresses = '*'" as comment local host??
The second question is that when I run sudo apt-get install pgadmin3 and pgadmin3
I can not find the menu with
File -> Add Server...
etc only a plug in item is to add a connect to a server. Who can give a detail explanation on how to setup for local server to run PR2 SimpleGraspingDemo.
Best regards. Zhenli Lu
Possible duplicate: