epos_hardware example not running failed setECmotorparameters
Hey, I have Problems using epos_hardware. I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic. I have already set up the motor and able to detect the motor (serial number) using list_devices. However, when i try to run the example.launch it gives me the error and unable to initialize the motors. it would be kind if you can help me out with this. Below please find the terminal output of rosrun epos_hardware list_devices and roslaunch epos_hardware example.launch respectively.
Roslaunch example:
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [13988] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 568ad142-d240-11e7-8333-34f39a7bd49b process[rosout-1]: started with pid [14001] started core service [/rosout] process[epos_hardware-2]: started with pid [14018] process[controller_spawner-3]: started with pid [14019] List_devices:
Listing Devices:
Node Id: 1
Serial Number: 0x602079025628
Hardware Version: 0x6220
Software Version: 0x2126
Application Number: 0x0
Application Version: 0x0
Skipping RS232
Could not get interface names: Bad Parameter EPOS MAXON_RS232 RS232 Skipping RS232 CANopen Could not get interface names: Bad Parameter
Hi there, I'm curious if you managed to solve your problem. I am considering ROS for use in a Maxon+EPOS environment, so I'm keen to chat with people who had had some experience, found challenges, and any success
Plz, if you found a solution for this could you post for us? I have the same problem, everything was working normally but this week I started having this problem (could not find motor, even when list_devices can)