Website outages
Since the beginning of this week, there have been daily outages of the ROS website, wiki and documentation. Sometimes a few hours, sometimes multiple per day. Visualized here:
Is there a reason to this? status.ros does not provide any information. Can I expect this to be an ongoing problem for a while? These outages always occur during my working hours and greatly interfer with my productivity...
Hi, I have the same problem, but here is a small tips : If you know the URL of the page, search it on google, click the small arrow and click "cache", you will see the cached page (you will need to do this for each link) Or you can use : (who also use google's cache)
@lmathieu: there are official wiki and docs mirrors available as well. See #q269962.
Comment on ROS Discourse by @tfoote: latency & availability.
That's true :) but I always find it faster to use the google cache than searching on the mirrors, since google's result are redirecting directly on official wiki and docs. The wiki is down, long live the (mirror)wiki !
@gvdhoorn That actually seems to be the answer, even though it doesn't address the frequency of outages this week. But that could be random. Thanks, guys. I didn't know about mirror sites, so that is awesome to find.
Well. It's obviously not really an answer, more a coping strategy. Ideally the mirrors aren't needed, and your question was more about what the problem is, not how to deal with it.
Well, they said that there has been an increase in traffic, and that the servers were not built with this much traffic in mind. Seems a good enough reason to me.