PubSub tutorial: Android device doesn't receive messages published by PC [solved]
Hey Dear ROS Community, I'm currently building a custom App to control my robot. Therefore I'm testing the PubSub tutorial provided by the android_core package:
Now if I connect my Android device to the ROS Master running on my PC and listen to the /chatter topic on my PC I receive the incoming "Hello World" messages sent by the talker node on my android device. However, if I publish a String message on my PC to the same topic it gets only displayed on the terminal running "rostopic echo /chatter" while the RosTextView on the android device only displays the messages published by the talker node but not what is published by my PC.
Running "~ rostopic info /chatter" delivers
Type: std_msgs/String
* /rosjava_tutorial_pubsub/talker (
* /android_gingerbread/ros_text_view (
Running ~ rosnode ping /android_gingerbread/ros_text_view delivers
rosnode: node is [/android_gingerbread/ros_text_view]
pinging /android_gingerbread/ros_text_view with a timeout of 3.0s
xmlrpc reply from time=358.101130ms
xmlrpc reply from time=124.948978ms
xmlrpc reply from time=329.936981ms
So everything seems to be setup fine however the the RosTextView node doesn't react to messages published by my PC. It seems like a network issue.
Related posts suggested to create a publicly accessible nodeConfiguration via
NodeConfiguration nodeConfiguration = NodeConfiguration.newPublic(InetAddressFactory.newNonLoopback().getHostAddress().toString(), masterUri);
which is already the case in the current pubsub tutorial.
Does somebody of you know how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance!