rospy subscriber with multiple input
My ROS rqt plugin now works with single subscription, like
#some lines of plugin initialization from .ui file
self._c.Action_button.clicked.connect(self.visual_callback) #callback started when button is pressed
# other several lines of plugin initialization code
def visual_callback(self):
self.left_topic = "/my_stereo/left/image_raw"
try: #Subscription + Callback number 1, with 1 input
self.bridge0 = CvBridge()
self.image_sub0 = rospy.Subscriber(self.left_topic,Image,self.left_callback,queue_size=1)
except ValueError, e:
rospy.logerr('My Plugin: Error connecting topic (%s)'%e)
self.right_topic = "/my_stereo/right/image_raw"
try: #Subscription + Callback number 2, with 1 input
self.bridge1 = CvBridge()
self.image_sub1 = rospy.Subscriber(self.right_topic,Image,self.right_callback,queue_size=1)
except ValueError, e:
rospy.logerr('My Plugin: Error connecting topic (%s)'%e)
I would like to create a new callback that uses in input both the "left" Image signal and the "right" Image signal. The rospy subscriber structure is fantastic, as it launches the callbacks and spin it automatically. Can I use something similar to subscribe both image topics and launch a single callback with 2 input?
A - I tried this method but I could not make rospy.spin work into a rqt plugin (I hope it would be my fault only, any hints?)
def visual_callback2(self, left, right):
if True:
left = message_filters.Subscriber("/my_stereo/left/image_raw", Image)
right = message_filters.Subscriber("/my_stereo/right/image_raw", Image)
print "Double subscribe!!"
ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer([left, right], 10) #exact sync
#ts = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([left, right], 10, 0.1, allow_headerless=True) #approxiamte sync
#self.maker(left,right) #external function with 2 arguments
#rospy.spin() #this should update continuously, but it does not work
B - I do not need stereo_image_proc or similar suggestion, that is not my goal. I want to write my personal callback with 2 image inputs in my rqt plugin.