Accepting answers to someone else's questions [meta]
I've noticed that a lot of people don't accept an answer to their question, even if they comment that the solution worked. Is it OK to accept an answer for a question that I didn't ask? Is there a certain amount of time that should pass before doing so?
I have enough karma to accept the answer for others, but before doing that I want to make sure that that's not going against any kind of etiquette. I didn't find anything in the forum or wiki.
Some examples are: and
One (somewhat miserly) approach that maintains a high quality standard would be to mark an answer the answer only if you had the same problem, found the existing question through search, and the answer helped you. (And there an upvote for the question would have been earned as well)
Other than that make a comment suggesting that the original question asker to mark the answer as correct, and leave it to them.
These are two good approaches. Thanks @lucasw