Detection rate of AprilTag is less than fps of Camera. Why?
I am trying to run AprilTag for ROS using bluefox2. The usb camera has a default fps of 30. However, when I am trying to detect Apriltag, I am getting an detection rate of 7.067.. or 8.34.... It never exceeds 9.
In the link , they have tabled the fps they get. As per them, it should be atleast 14 on laptop using 13 4th gen. Mine is i3 7th gen but I dont get it beyond 8 or9.
What can possibly be the reason?
Please always provide links to the exact packages that you are using.
@gvdhoorn I am using the packages apriltag, apriltag_ros and blufox2. Following are the links:
mine is similar, however I change setting.yaml, the rate of /tag_detections is around 0.6. really confused