AMCL publishing simple question
Hi all, I have successfully written a python robot controller to control my lidar-bearing robot. t is based on a Raspberry Pi 3 and can be commanded through an RC remote (with a receiver) or via the cmd_vel topic, whichever I choose. It also works quite nice when visualized in Rviz, odometry drifts are relatively low but will remain always due to many reasons on which I have little control of. So I want to use AMCL to localize. It had worked great when I created the simulation in Gazebo, but it was ideal, and now in the real world it isnt so. To my question: on the AMCL documentation here, at the bottom of the page, it says that AMCL estimates the transformation between /map and /base_link. But my Raspi node is the one publishing the Tf between /odom and /base_link... and it would not be wise to double-publish that. Would it be safe to say that the AMCL publishes the Tf between /map and /odom in order to compensate for the odometry drift?
Thanks in advance, Steve