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UR5 - Robot model does not have a Gripper

asked 2017-04-18 19:16:06 -0500

Biv gravatar image

If anybody could help, I am new to ROS and we are modeling a Universal Robot 5 from the ROS package supplied however the model does not have the gripper which we have installed in real life. How do I get a gripper on the simulation model?

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2 Answers

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answered 2017-04-24 10:07:34 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

How do I get a gripper on the simulation model?

you'll have to create a new xacro macro that combines both the UR5 macro (I'm guessing from ros-industrial/universal_robot) and a model of your gripper. Then instantiate that macro and use the resulting urdf as a basis for your further work.

If you haven't already, I'd recommend you do the Learning URDF Step by Step tutorials, as that should give you some insight into how this all works.

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answered 2017-04-24 13:03:19 -0500

As gvdhoorn says, you have to add the description to your URDF/XACRO file. It can be accomplished in many ways. One way would be to do the following in your main launch pipeline:

param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro '$(find fh_desc)/model.urdf'"

node name="spawn_gazebo_model" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-urdf -param robot_description -model smart_grasping_sandbox" respawn="false" output="screen"

Inside the model.urdf put the description of your gripper.

There is that exact example ready to use in RDS Theconstructsim in the section of Public Simulations. Its exactly what you were asking.

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If it's exactly what the question asker is looking for, why not post it here?

jayess gravatar image jayess  ( 2017-08-09 17:08:20 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-04-18 19:16:06 -0500

Seen: 1,407 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '17