The <xacro:include filename=> fails to call the file

asked 2017-04-17 18:18:39 -0500

Mav16 gravatar image

I have a urdf set up and I am trying to call an external .gazebo file using

<xacro:include filename="$(find camera_arm)/robots/camera_arm.gazebo" />

but it can't find the file. What am I doing wrong?


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Is the file there? If the output of this chain of commands $ roscd camera_arm && cd robots && ls | grep camera_arm.gazebo is anything other than "camera_arm.gazebo", then the path is wrong or your camera_arm package is not found. Also don't forget to resource your workspace if you add packages.

Reamees gravatar image Reamees  ( 2018-07-12 07:44:01 -0500 )edit