yocs_waypoints_navi - Rviz publish tool not listening
I'm trying to use yocs_waypoints_navi to set up a "patrol loop" around one of my maps. However when I use the publish tool from RViz nothing happens?
On a related note is it possible to get Rviz to report the planar points on a map so that I can extract them for a file for yocs_waypoints_navi (once I get it working?)
Many Thanks
Is there any output in the terminal where rviz runs when you use the publish tool?
No, not that I've seen - is there something I need to enable?
Not sure, one more thing that may help is to
rostopic echo /clicked_point
and use publish tool to click on something. If nothing shows maybe dorostopic info /clicked_point
and see what's there?Okay it's publishing - however I notice that even with the yocs_waypoints_navi_node running nothing is subscribing to those messages
Did you turn off single click in the rviz tool properties panel?
Yep - looking at the yocs_waypoints_navi code it does not appear to subscribe to rostopic echo /clicked_point topic (which would explain why I don't see anything listening when it rostopic echo /clicked_point). Is there another service that needs to be up?
You are right.. Sorry I have no idea neither why it doesn't even subscribe to the topic. Could you post the solution if you ever find one?