can not see disparity image using two usb camera with stereo_view node
I am using two usb cameras to use them as a stereo camera. I have calibrated them and left.yaml and right.yaml configuration files have been successfully created. As a next step I want to see the disparity image using the following command
$ROS_NAMESPACE=/stereo rosrun stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc
In another terminal by typing $rostopic list
I can see the relevant rostopics those are required to use to see disparity image with stereo_view node. I can see the rectified color images correctly from both the cameras by typing the following in the terminal,
$rosrun image_view image_view image:=/stereo/left/image_rect_color
$rosrun image_view image_view image:=/stereo/right/image_rect_color
After that in another terminal I type the following to see the disparity image,
$rosrun image_view stereo_view stereo:=/stereo image:=image_rect _approximate_sync:=True _queue_size:=10
I am getting the following error after I run the above command,
(disparity:10586): Gtk-ERROR **: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported
I get the same error as above if I use the command as below which supposed to display only the disparity image
$rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/stereo/disparity
I am using Ubuntu 14.04, ROS version is indigo.
Any help is appreciated.