issues about using "sudo rosdep init"
I am new to ROS and I just installed ROS indigo on ArchLinux using the tool "yaourt". When I finished installing all packages from AUR, I entered the command
sudo rosdep init
to initialize ROS. But an error came, saying
Error: cannot download default sources list from: hrttps://
I thought it was net connection problem, so I changed many networks. It seemed that none of the networks could reach that site... So I found a downloaded file 20-default.list and was going to copy it to the corresponding directory manually, but I don't know where I should put the file. I found some solutions for Ubuntu and they said the corresponding directory for 20-default.list is /etc/ros/rosdep/source.list.d/, but when I checked my /etc, I didn't even find the /etc/ros !
Now I'm totally confused and hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot.