Navigation Stack with in a Vicon environment?
Want to have a robot navigate and path plan in a vicon environment, but the robot itself will not have any sensors except for the vicon markers (The robot takes its pose from the Vicon). I understand that it would at least take a lot of configuration to setup the navigation stack. But does anyone know if it is feasible or have done something similar before?
Should be feasible; most of the nav stack config is tf and odom, and if you use a high-precision pose system you can shortcut that and have the vicon produce the map -> base_link transform and odom directly. Then you don't need AMCL. No lasers means the move_base costmap setup will also be simpler.
I can't find it right now, but I remember a post some time ago about exactly this issue. "lots of configuration" is actually not what I remember: the vicon system would basically provide an (absolute) pose estimate of your robot relative to some world origin. I think you'd just not use amcl.
Great! Thank you very much! About to start implementing it and trying it out.
@ahendrix or @gvdhoorn Any reason you didn't post that as an answer? That way others don't come checking this out to help. It seems like this has been solved.
Would also be interested in seeing the solution