FlexBE does but does not connect
Hi, I am following the FlexBE tutorials. The problem is I never get the FlexBE app connection. Onboard Status is "disconnected". rosbridge, rosapi, flexbe_onboard are all running. Moreover, I see the message on rosbridge output "Client connected. 1 clients total." FlexBE console does not show any error. And "Connect" button on the Configuration screen is deactivated as if it is already connected. It seems some part of the program believes it is connected but others disagree.
I'm not sure the author(s) of FlexBE frequent ROS Answers. You might want to try and post an issue to the FlexBE issue tracker. Do report back here if/when you receive an answer. Thanks.
We are following at https://github.com/team-vigir/flexbe_...