SCITOS motor stop flag always on

asked 2016-10-21 23:10:05 -0500

zkytony gravatar image

I'm not sure if I should ask question about SCITOS robot here, but here is my situation.

I'm running ROS on the SCITOS G5 robot. Everything was working smoothly for several months. But yesterday there was some (slight) collision with the charging station when I tried to use joystick to move the robot to the charging station. Nothing appear to break, except that the Motor Stop flag is now always on, even though the robot is far away from any obstacle. I've tried to turn it off using the interface on SCITOS, as well as calling ROS services that resets motor stop, but nothing worked out.

Does anyone know anything about this situation? What is wrong with SCITOS?

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I'm not sure if I should ask question about SCITOS robot here [..]

This sounds more like a hw problem. Perhaps contact the vendor?

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2016-10-24 02:56:05 -0500 )edit